Health & Wellness

The definitive digital hub offering evidence-based insights on psychoactive substances and entheogens for informed health and wellness decisions.


Substance IQ, a Health & Wellness Information Hub, offers accurate, evidence-based details on psychoactive substances and entheogens. It combats misinformation and stigma, making scientific research accessible and user-friendly. Targeting individuals and practitioners interested in their therapeutic potential, Substance IQ promotes informed, safe usage and explores natural alternatives for mental and physical well-being.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Brand Identity
  • UX/UI Design
  • Web Development

Website Link

Design Process


The Problem

Substance IQ confronts the widespread misunderstanding and stigma around psychoactive substances and entheogens. We're cutting through the fog of misinformation and societal stereotypes to provide reliable, science-based insights. Our platform is a beacon for those seeking accurate knowledge, challenging misconceptions and simplifying complex scientific data. By empowering individuals with clear, vetted information, we enable safer, more informed choices for personal health and wellness.

Competitive Analysis

In my deep dive into the psychoactive substance industry, I assessed key digital players, focusing on UI, content quality, and user engagement. Competitors like offer broad drug information but lack focus on psychoactive substances. PsychonautWiki provides detailed data but may overwhelm new users. Platforms like Psychedelic Times and Erowid excel in niche content, while MindLeap and The Third Wave innovate in psychedelic therapy and education. Yet, these competitors often miss on personalized, user-friendly experiences.

Identified Gaps & Differentiation

Through my analysis, I've pinpointed critical gaps: a lack of personalization, subpar user interfaces, insufficient community features, and slow integration of new research. Addressing these, Substance IQ will uniquely offer a tailored, engaging user journey. With an intuitive design, interactive elements, and a vibrant community space, my platform will not only provide accurate information but also foster a shared, informed experience. This distinct approach sets Substance IQ apart in the evolving psychoactive substance digital landscape.

Survey & Interview Insights

Surveys and interviews reveal diverse needs in psychoactive substance education. Users demand information from basic guides to advanced research. Key themes include safety, legality, and integrating these substances into various lifestyles, emphasizing personal and professional relevance.

A need for user-friendly interfaces and content that spans scientific, cultural, and holistic perspectives is clear. Users value personalization, credibility, and innovative features, with a focus on ethical and sustainable practices in the field.

User Journey

User Persona & Journey

My research has identified a broad spectrum of user personas, from health professionals to holistic enthusiasts and culturally curious explorers. This diversity necessitates Substance IQ's integration of in-depth, reliable content, user-friendly navigation with a focus on safety, and rich cultural insights. Addressing these needs will establish Substance IQ as a versatile and comprehensive resource, catering to every user's journey in exploring psychoactive substances.

User Flow

In developing Substance IQ, a user-centric design approach was paramount. This led to carefully crafted user flows for essential functions such as information searching, safety guideline access, and cultural exploration. Each flow is optimized for ease of use, enabling users to effortlessly find what they're looking for, be it professional data, safety tips, or cultural knowledge. This streamlined design ensures that Substance IQ not only meets diverse needs but also elevates the overall user experience, making interactions with the website both seamless and effective.

User Journey Analysis

The user journey analysis for Substance IQ brought forth critical insights about our varied user base. It underscored the need for an intuitive, informative experience tailored to different expertise levels and interests. A demand for personalized content, from professional-grade resources to beginner-friendly guides and culturally rich materials, was prominent. These findings highlight the necessity of a flexible, adaptive design strategy, enabling Substance IQ to be accessible, engaging, and valuable for every user, irrespective of their background or level of knowledge. This insight is pivotal in guiding the app's ongoing development to effectively serve all users' unique needs.


Affinity Diagramming & Information Architecture Analysis

In the ideation phase for Substance IQ, Affinity Diagramming and Information Architecture Analysis played crucial roles. By engaging users in organizing content topics into logical categories, a deeper understanding of user-friendly content organization emerged. This exercise was pivotal in constructing a coherent and intuitive Information Architecture for the app. The insights gained from Affinity Diagramming allowed for a refined, user-centric approach to the app's structure and navigation, ensuring that the information flow aligns with the users’ thought processes and preferences. This step was instrumental in creating an app layout that is both intuitive and efficient, facilitating easy access to vital information.


The insights gathered from Affinity Diagramming and Information Architecture Analysis for Substance IQ were enlightening. They revealed a clear user preference for categorizing information in a way that aligns with their natural thought processes and search behaviors. This understanding allowed us to develop an intuitive structure for the app, ensuring that users can navigate effortlessly and find the information they need without confusion or delay.

The exercise underscored the importance of a user-driven approach to content organization, essential for creating an engaging and user-friendly digital experience. This strategic organization of information architecture will significantly enhance the usability and effectiveness of Substance IQ.


Wireframes & Prototype

Substance IQ addresses a critical need: clarifying public understanding of psychoactive substances and plant-based entheogens. The current landscape is fraught with misinformation and societal biases, posing significant challenges for those seeking reliable information. The obstacles encountered include:— Misinformation and Unreliable Sources: The abundance of incorrect information complicates the search for accurate, safe knowledge about these substances, leading to potential risks and confusion.— Societal Stigma and Misconceptions: Common stereotypes and misconceptions around these substances often inhibit open discussion and exploration, reducing community support and shared knowledge.— Complexity of Scientific Data: The intricate nature of scientific research in this field can be daunting for non-scientists, impeding their ability to comprehend and apply this information for personal well-being.In my role, I focused on dismantling these barriers through Substance IQ, ensuring easy access to scientifically-backed information in a user-friendly format.

Usability Testing

Usability testing for Substance IQ was vital in tailoring the app to diverse user needs. We conducted targeted interviews with various personas, from wellness enthusiasts to researchers, to gauge unique requirements. This phase emphasized user-friendly design and community features, ensuring the interface was engaging and accessible. Feedback from these tests significantly informed our refinement process, enhancing the app's role as a trusted and holistic resource in the field of psychoactive substances.

Issue #1

Issue: Users found the app's search function limited, hindering their ability to locate specific details on psychoactive substances or entheogens.

Solution: We improved the search feature by adding advanced filters and natural language processing, enabling more accurate and user-friendly searches. We also introduced related topic suggestions, enhancing user exploration within the app.

Issue #2

Issue: During testing, it was noted that the app did not adequately cater to users with visual impairments, making it less accessible.

Solution: We added accessibility features like text-to-speech, high-contrast mode, and screen reader compatibility to enhance the app's inclusivity, allowing users with varying visual abilities to easily navigate and use it.

Visual Design & Branding

Final Design


What I Learned

Reflecting on the Substance IQ project, I realize it was more than just app development; it was an enriching experience in UX/UI design within the health and wellness sector. This journey taught me about creating a meaningful platform that meets the intricate needs of users interested in psychoactive substances and entheogens.

The project offered diverse insights into design, user experience, and ethical considerations, greatly influencing my approach to UX/UI design.

Working on the Substance IQ project provided key insights:
— User-Centric Design is Key: Understanding and addressing diverse user needs is vital for effective UX/UI design.— Adaptability in Design: Ensuring a consistent user experience across various devices is crucial.— Importance of Testing: Iterative usability testing was essential in refining the app and enhancing its usability.— Balancing Information: Effectively presenting complex information in an accessible format was a major achievement.— Ethical Responsibility: Prioritizing user safety and accurate information was fundamental in our design philosophy.